Christian Science Society, Nelson – Balfour
8551 Busk Road
Balfour, BC V0G 1C0
T: (250) 229-4527
E: [email protected]
Sunday Church Service
Our Sunday services are held from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, and include a lesson sermon from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Our service also includes time to join with the congregation in silent prayer and sing hymns filled with inspiration and comfort. You and your family are welcome to join us!
Testimony Meetings
On the first Sunday of each month from 11:00 am to noon, we hold an informal testimony meeting at the same address as our Sunday services. It’s an inspiring and uplifting mid-week opportunity to draw closer to God and hear how others are using the lessons learned in Christian Science to help them solve life’s challenges. Everyone is welcome to join us!
Reading Room and Sales (currently by appointment only)
(250) 229-4527
Mailing Address
8646 Beach Street
Balfour BC V0G 1C0
Christian Science — a clearer view of you
Join us in person for this one hour talk – Saturday May 13, 2023 – 1:00 PM PT
Who are we, really? You and I, and all humanity? The health, harmony, and joy we experience in life depends on our answer to this question.
Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the Christian Science church, had a profound insight into the nature of God as infinite Love. She perceived that God is the only substance, intelligence and Life of the universe, without the opposition typically ascribed to darkness or evil. Moreover, Eddy realized that this was the basis of Jesus’ healing works.
This is revolutionary. Eddy didn’t say that conflict, struggle, and disease exist as unavoidable realities, then in addition there’s also God’s love. Rather, she saw infinite Love, and genuine creation as the perfect spiritual expression of this Love, instead of the imperfect, material existence we typically assume unavoidably defines us. To Eddy, infinite Love, being infinite, simply excludes the possibility of anything else.
Attend in person
St. Michael’s Performance Center
8551 Busk Road
Balfour, BC
Location Map
Free parking and child care
Lyle Young, CSB
Lyle Young learned of Christian Science when he was a university student through an on-campus organisation of Christian Science. Knowing the world needed healing, wanting to be part of the solutions to the world’s problems, and feeling that Christian Science provided the spiritual tools to pray effectively and find answers, Lyle began taking one newspaper each week to pray about the issues described in all the articles. Very quickly, he knew that doing this only once a week wasn’t enough! He began reserving first two and then three nights a week to pray for others and the world. And eventually, he left his university programme to devote himself full time to helping others through prayer as a Christian Science practitioner. In addition to his public healing ministry, Lyle also is an authorized teacher of Christian Science, to help others reliably practice this healing system as well.