West Vancouver Christian Science Church

Sunday Church Service — 10:30am in person or by phone (toll free)
Sunday School – 10:30am or by Zoom
Wednesday Testimony Meeting – 7:30pm in person or by phone (toll free)
Contact [email protected] for details.

Christian Science Church West Vancouver

First Church of Christ, Scientist West Vancouver
714 20th Street
West Vancouver, BC V7V 3Y7


T: 604 922 2023
E: [email protected]

Sunday Church Service

Sunday church services include a sermon from the Pastor of Christian Science, the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Church services are both in person and by phone. If you are interested in listening, please send an email to [email protected] or leave a voice message at 604.922.2023. All are welcome!   

Sunday School

Sunday School is held at the same hour as the church service and welcomes children and young adults up to the age of 20. Children too young for Sunday School are cared for in the childcare room.

Zoom Sunday school classes are held at 10:30am. Please contact [email protected] for details.

Wednesday Testimony Meetings

Every Wednesday at 7:30 pm, there is an informal testimony meeting that provides an inspiring and uplifting mid-week opportunity to listen to readings from the Pastor of Christian Science centering on current community and world issues. As well, you can hear how others use the teachings of Christian Science their daily experience. 

Meetings are held both in person and by phone. To listen please contact [email protected] or leave a voice mail at 604.922.2023. All are welcome!

Reading Room

Our Reading Room is a quiet place for study and prayer, as well as a resource centre for publications available to borrow or purchase. Our Reading Room is located at 714 20th St, West Vancouver.

T: 604-922-2023
E: [email protected]


A FREE talk on Christian Science

Saturday March 29 11:00 am PT (in person only)

Misconceptions about ourselves and the world are often corrected by advances in science, which can bring paradigm shifts to the way we think — like discovering that the earth revolves around the sun, rather than the other way around.

The current matter-based scientific model leaves many questions unanswered and has some thinkers and scientists questioning if it is still the right model. Perhaps it’s time for a major paradigm shift in science – a shift that would include God as the center and circumference of all existence.

Nikki will address these questions and show how the Science of God explains Jesus’ healings, and teachings, makes God knowable and understandable, and provides humanity with a safe and reliable means for caring for ourselves and each other. Nikki will also share some of her own experiences of the transforming, healing power of God gained through understanding this Science of God, or Christian Science. She will explain how this healing happens, and what role consciousness plays in the process.

Saturday March 29 11:00 am PT (in person only)
Nikki O’Hagan CS  from Naas, County Kildare, Ireland
First Church of Christ, Scientist, West Vancouver
714 20th Street
West Vancouver, BC V7V 3Y7
Location Map
Free parking in the church lot
Child care provided
– Accessible

[email protected]

Nikki O’Hagan, CS
Christian Science practitioner
Member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship

Nikki grew up in South Africa and attended a Christian Science Sunday School. From a young age she had a strong desire to understand the “why” of life. As a teenager, she stopped attending church and began looking everywhere and trying everything (even jumping out of an airplane!) to gain an understanding of life. The more she looked in new directions, the darker and more confusing everything became.

A transformational healing brought her back to Christian Science, where she found health and home in the arms of divine Love.

Nikki discovered that she loved the infallible logic of the Science of Christianity, in which she found all the answers to her Whys. Life and God made sense and became full of joy, light, and love. Her gratitude for this pivotal healing, and the salvation it brought her by setting her on the path of Christian Science, was – and still is –unbounded. Now, all she wants is to love and serve God, and to love and serve others.

Nikki looks forward to sharing, through this lecture, the subjects most dear to her heart: God and Christian Science.

All are welcome!

Sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, West Vancouver, BC